Sunday, October 3, 2010

August in Japan

August was a fun, and busy, month around here. We went to lots of different activities, and played quite a bit, and we were only in Japan for 1/2 the month! The first half of the month we were on our family vacation to Malaysia and Thailand, which will be blogged about next...
But while we were here, this is a little of what we did:
We went to Alon's "post 1 birthday party". He turned 1 in June, but Alon's mommy waited until his daddy was home from his deployment to have his party.
Mal and Nolan had a great time playing with the water table. In fact, Mallory loved that table so much, I broke down and bought her one a week later.

Lynn and I hosted the monthly 36th spouse luncheon at Lynn's house. We did an assortment of salads and rolls since it was just so hot outside and we didn't want to cook. There were a LOT of people that came and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Melanie, Ian, Dana, Jill and Amanda:
Some of the food selection:
Mal and Kirsten, Wyatt and Jason P.

We had cooking class at our house, and made all sorts of salads for that too. It was such a hit with the spouses, I thought the Japanese ladies would enjoy it as well. Green salad with homemade dressing, bean salad, potato salad, and a dessert salad too! They were all delicious, and a great "cool" meal for the August heat. (Side note, boy was it ever hot here this summer. I was told it was the hottest summer on record for the last 115 years! I am SO glad I was pregnant LAST summer and not this one!)

Mallory practiced standing up quite a bit and started playing with her activity table more and more.

Mallory and I went into Tokyo to try out as a model for the Combi children's clothing catalog. Basically, she is registered with a few of the agencies around Tokyo. When a company needs models, they contact the modeling agencies and look thru the pictures of the children they would be interested in. If they choose you, you go downtown for an audition, where they have your child dress in an item of their clothing (like the cute striped dress below) and take a few pictures of the kid in that item. A few days after everyone auditions, the modeling agency calls you and lets you know if your child got the part of not. Exciting news - Mallory was picked!!!

A few days after everyone auditions, the modeling agency calls you and lets you know if your child got the part of not. Exciting news - Mallory was picked!!! (But look at that cute girl- how could you say no to that face!?!?!) So in September we went down for the real photo shoot- I'll post that pic later. While we were in Tokyo, we went over to a park in Shinjuku and ate lunch. Mallory enjoyed some of my soba noodles.
She also had a great time crawling around on the floor of the covered picnic area.

Next to the picnic area was a cute little pond and some very Japanese looking shrubs and lantern.
So, we took our group picture there. Luckily, a few friends were going to the audition too, so we all went together. Me, Mal, Stacia and Maggie, Shalece, Javier and Alon Mendez. It was SO hot (remember it was the hottest summer on record?) so we didn't walk around the park much. After the lunch and picture, we pretty much just headed on back to the train station.
Stacia and I pushing our sleeping babies to the train station.
Javier, Stacia and me looking cute on the train station escalator.

Mallory started a few new things this month. She already LOVED Maverick (her "gog") but she really started to take notice of Bandit as well. Poor Bandit is apparently also a "gog" in Mal's world, but that's ok. She also started playing with her belly button as a way to go to sleep. She's always been a thumb sucker, but now we suck our left thumb and twiddle our "button" with our right middle and index fingers. Crazy kid!

I found this little piano toy for her at the airman's attic and she LOVES it. It's quite annoying really as the tunes are loud, and very high pitched and off key. But hey, it keeps her entertained, and sometimes, that is all that matters. I think she looks like Schroeder from Peanuts in this picture with just her 2 fingers playing the keys. So cute!

Another exciting event was that our neighbor Hillary came home from her 6 month deployment. Both her and her husband are active duty and she left back in Feb for 6 mo in Afghanistan. We were all excited for her arrival, and painted banners to let her know that! We hung one on her fence:
and greeted her bus at the lodge with the other one. Bridget and Anne were our "Vanna White"s for the evening, and did a great job.

Mallory loves to watch Mav eat and I had to snap a pic of it. I think it looks like we have 2 "gogs" in this house!

Lastly, Mallory's big girl car seat arrived. She was a bit cramped in her infant one, and had reached the weight limit as well, so it was time to upgrade She loves that thing and falls asleep in it just about anytime we go anywhere. Literally, I drove to the shoppette which is just around the corner (so close it takes me like 5 mintues to walk there, but I was lazy the other day and drove) and she was asleep when I pulled in the parking lot! But I think that the box it came in was much more fun that the car seat will ever be:

I'll post pics of her first ride in her big girl seat in my September post (we took it out of the box, but it was a few days before it got installed into the car). And I'll post the other 1/2 of August- our family vacation- next!

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