Sunday, August 2, 2009

Redoing Baby C's cribl

Just had to shout out quickly to the 3 girls who helped me redo Baby C's crib-Hillary, Amanda and Bridget. Brett and I bought this crib for a great price back in April from a family that was moving back to the states. It was just what I wanted- light wood, and the kind of crib that converts to a day bed and then a double bed eventually. I researched that it was a safe bed, and made sure we had every screw, nut and bolt that came with it. The only problem was that the kid who had slept in it first was apparently part woodchuck, as he had "eaten" part of the front rail (he must have some very strong front teeth!) Brett had said he would sand it down and restain it if it was the crib I wanted (and I was trying to be the helpful wife and save us a few $'s on this crib instead of a brand new one). That plan was all well and good...until he got stuck in Singapore for a month! He probably would have had time to redo it once he finally got back, but I had spent so much time getting the rest of the nursery ready- all that was incomplete was the crib. So...many thanks to my 3 sweet friends, neighbors and East Side Comrades- Hillary, Bridget and Amanda- for all their hard work. Thank you, thank you and thank you!! It looks great now!
I love you girls, and Baby C loves you too!

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